Exclusive Interview with Transaction Coordinator Ashley Rose Mello

The year 2020 has brought many things that none of us ever expected. But along with the challenges, this year has been highly successful for Team Pelletier Properties. Our growth has been so large and consistent, that it became obvious we were in need of a bit more help when it came to putting all the pieces of our real-estate transactions together. We needed a transaction hero - or - as the common folk call it - a transaction coordinator.

Enter Ashley Rose-Mello.

Sure, being the sister-in-law of our very own team member Josh Mello, Ashley was brought toward our team almost organically. But her story begins way before she became a part of the Pelletier Properties family.

Ashley grew up in Wrentham, MA, and has also been all over, living in Amherst, Boulder Colorado, and Medway, currently. She even studied as part of a Holistic Health program in Nepal, while attending U-Mass. So when she tries to tell you she isn't that exciting, you can simply retort enthusiastically with the word "NAPAL!", and then ask her to tell you stories ...

(Above: Mom-Child Yoga Pose with daughter Aurelia)

Married to her husband Jonathan since 2004, Ashley is also a registered massage therapist and yoga instructor. The couple have three children; Aurelia (12), Isaac (9) , and Greta (3.)

As for the rest of her story, although she insists it is not that exciting, I beg to differ. Ashley is a talented woman, and a multi-faceted one too. It was an honor to get to know more about her, and all the things she has done in her life so far. We are so happy to have her as part of our team this year, and going forward.

Here is my exclusive interview with our new transaction coordinator Ashley Rose-Mello:

Growing up, both of your parents had pretty interesting jobs, with your mom being a dental assistant and your dad running an inground pool business for many years. Did you and your sister Darby get any fun benefits out of either of those professions? Discounts on braces? A nice pool in the backyard? Discuss.

Ha ha. We definitely didn't get any dental discounts, and like most kids, we still feared going to the dentist, even when our mom was doing our x-rays! My dad did build a pool in our yard when we were younger, which is still a place we go to regularly. In the winters, he would drain the water just enough so we could ice-skate on the pool, which was so much fun! He ran his business from our property, so my sister and I were able to drive the bobcat or ride around in all the different trucks, which is another great memory.

Lets fast-forward a bit. You studied Holistic Health and earned a Bachelors Degree at U-Mass Amherst. Can you tell me about your passion for health and natural remedies? Have you had success using them in your own life?

So I have always been interested in natural remedies, and try to use them over anything conventional, whenever possible. I used to work a lot with individuals who had both chronic and acute health conditions, in hospitals and in private practice. These days, my practice is more with my own family. I always have something at the ready when the kids get hit with allergies or injury. Whether its a healing herb, tea, or oil - my kids have gotten used to me smearing it on or giving them manuka honey and/or golden milk.

Hey, it sure beats the smell of VICKS I remember from my childhood days! (laughs) So you married your husband Jonathan in 2004, and then moved to Boulder Colorado together so you could attend Boulder College of Message Therapy. What was it like going to massage school? That sounds intriguing and fascinating to me.

Well, I know that my husband would say that me marrying him is the most fascinating part of that question! (both laugh) But yes, 2004 was a big year for us. Colorado is so beautiful and we were very lucky to have experienced living there. We took trips to Yellowstone, the Tetons, Santa Fe. As for massage school, it was a learning curve for sure. Although I love anatomy and health, Im also a very private person, so massaging took some getting used to. Having the time and space to learn the art was so important and appreciated. The both of us miss living in Colorado.

(Above: hiking with Jonathan and Ashley)

I can see why! My first year out of college, many years ago, I spent a summer living in Denver and working as an actor in the Renaissance Festival in the mountains of Larkspur. I've always said that the natural beauty of Colorado just puts you in a good mood every day. Or, it definitely helps!

One of your other accomplishments is becoming a licensed Yoga instructor. How has 2020 and covid-19 affected these businesses for you? Would you say that people are not doing these types of things as much, or that they need this kind of health healing now more than ever?

The biggest thing is that three beautiful, nearby studios have closed their physical space, and that is sad to see. Many teachers are adjusting the way they offer classes, whether it be outside or on zoom, or both. I think this is absolutely a time where we need to practice mindfulness and give ourselves the space to just BE. This is not always easy to do, which is why it is a continued practice. As for me personally, I had already slowed down my teaching after our third child was born, so it wasn't as devastating for me, thankfully.

Speaking of the birth of your children, tell me about your family.

I met my husband Jonathan when we were students at U-Mass. Even though we worked in the same office there, we didnt actually start dating until after college. We moved all over together, finally settling in Medway in our tiny, historic house. Jonathan is a social studies teacher in Franklin, and Ive been working from home while my kids are doing school remotely. Our three children help make each day a new adventure. Im honestly grateful for this extra time at home with them. It isn't easy, but it is perfectly imperfect.

(Above: Family Photo )

So how did you get hooked up with the Pelletier Properties team, and get roped into being the Transaction coordinator? (laughs)

At the time, we had sold our house in Uxbridge and were staying with my parents in order to help care for my dad, who had Frontotemporal Dimensia , and needed someone with him at all times. When it became time to search for our next home, we used my brother-in-law, Josh, who was (is) a Buyers Agent with Pelletier Properties. Josh was able to work with our challenging budget to find us this perfect, tiny historical house that has a path to the town library! We are both obsessed with books, so this path was a huge plus. As for me working with the team, Josh mentioned that they were looking to hire someone to help with the transaction process. I met with Nick, Josh, and Annie, and knew it was a team I wanted to be part of. I took the real estate exam, got licensed, and here I am!

How would you describe what you do for our team?

I help connect all the parties and follow up on all of the deadlines and paperwork from offer to close. Since no two transactions are ever the same, there is always something unexpected that comes up. Buying and selling a home can be extremely stressful and our team is excellent at going above and beyond for our clients.

Who is the funniest person you know?

My husband insisted on answering this one. "Its obviously my husband Jonathan! He is a riot! He makes everyone laugh daily with his quick wit, sarcasm, and impeccable timing and delivery! Im so lucky I was able to get that ring on his finger before someone else did!" Ha! So while Jonathan wins this one, my kids are also a reminder to be in the moment. They make me laugh every day.

Describe your ideal relaxing Sunday, if you could go anywhere or do anything.

A hike in New Hampshire or Vermont on a perfect fall day, finished off with a mug of chai and a good book.

Name a famous person who inspires you, and someone you know who inspires you.

An ongoing inspiration for me would be Greta Thunberg, who is an incredible influence on both children and adults to remind us that we are all in this world together, and that one person really can make a difference.

In my own life, my mom inspires me. She is a natural caregiver. Her patience and presence with my dad when he was not well is one to be admired. My dads dementia came with many behavior changes and she adjusted to every stage. Her strength and ability to hold everyone else up at the end was unbelievable.

Your mom sounds like an incredible woman, and very sorry for the loss of your dad. It sounds like you take after them both in different ways, and we are so happy to have your varied talents added to our growing team. Thank you so much for talking with me today Ashley!

(Above: Closing Day selfie with the Mello family)